Terrain for Campaign

Terrain for Campaign

Tau Expeditions™

In October 2012 Devereux’s Volunteers will host a resumption of Warhammer 40K gaming.  My army of choice is Tau, for the greater fun. Seven armies have selected assignments for the mini campaign we have dubbed Expeditions™ for our autumn ‘diversion’.

A bit of Tau terrain and buildings seemed a good idea. Most of our games are held at the game shops in our area. These locations offer an abundance of terrain goodness, mass quantities actually.  Expeditions™ will be held at Devereux manor, which offers a nice games room, however, not much 40K ‘space opera’ terrain.

 1. Stage One Tau Pylon

I was advised to make plenty of Tau ruins. Well, to begin Expeditions™ on a grand positive footing I have made several drawings for structures for bombardment. In this way I am a civil engineer playing host to mechanical engineers, you know, the ones who devise a method of job security for civil engineers—destruction!

2. Primed Tau Pylon

The remarque of a Tau Keep floats in the background. I sometimes work in the studio without an outline or drawing. Making the drawings is so much fun. The next Tau structure is a larger ‘strong point’ . The drawing can be seen in the background.  I try to see how close to plan I can create. The assemblage method is just as much fun, just a bit different approach, just as energizing for me.

3. Tai Pylon Base Coat

The shapes are evocative of commonly known Tau ones. One Tau shape is the saucer.  As the maker I want to infuse the motif of sails and masts in order to infuse some visual interest in the Tau structures, reminiscent of primitive ships and ancestral voyagers on expeditions of discovery or even conquest.

This pylon was completed as an assemblage or a group of shapes brought together and all the unnecessary bits removed so only the essential remains.

Extra bits include communication assets, weapons pods. The finishing touches with decals, markings and a finished paint / seal job.

I like a bunch of terrain. We will use a 122cm x 244cm (4’x8’) table so off to the toy shop to produce more terrain.

Basic Bill of Materials Used

  • Sugar Pine
  • Western Red Cedar
  • Styrene plastic bits
  • Tau Decals
  • Glues–wood, CA, hot

If you have suggestions for the terrain build send them along in the comments section.