English Civil War Royalist Take the Field

Panorama Shot 1

The Original Half-Army with Royalist Colors

Your comments are welcome.

Warlord Games(tm) have very good boxed kits for the English Civil War and for the Thirty Years War.

Building the Kits

Once I made a complete mess of one musketeer the others were quite cooperative with my fumbles and hack performance. I hacked off the first chaps arms, cleaned the wound, and re-applied a new set of arms and “gonne”. Never a finer set of lively lads ever graced a spray-paint booth with courage and determination as they.

Here is a link to Warlord Games ™. http://store.warlordgames.com//collections/pike-shotte.

The Half-Army Concept

In my gaming environment producing half-armies in historical setting has finally caught on. I have been “building” both sides for historical, sci-fi, and fantasy gaming for eleven years. I do the same with “skirmish” gaming gangs, teams, and posses.

Other generals have adopted a similar mien, producing half-armies. This serves multiple purposes. You are most able to guess the first purpose, I shall not mention it then.

The second purpose is we have a fine group and a lot of interest in gaming with a ‘friendly’attitude. So, when other generals bring half-armies now two can play in a limited space.

Three, since I have two half-armies for an invitational game or a ‘one-off’ game I can provide a new player or a fellow gamer to ‘give Pike & Shotte a go’: men in flouncy shirts and rugged warriors all.

Four, combine both half-armies into one army for large engagements with another general.

This army in the picture also includes Wargames Foundry(tm) and Old Glory ™ figures. Both companies produce top quality miniatures for the English Civil War and other eras in history.

I had experienced quite an upset to build a fine large army and place it in a ‘carrier’ and dust it every week. With half-army concept I get more time playing with my figures and enjoying the camaraderie. I suppose ‘small tactics’ well executed often produce good results. If I’m going to dust them anyway I might as well use them too.

Wargames Foundry–“The Foundry” http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/our-ranges/english-civil-war/

Old Gloryhttp://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/products.asp?cat=202